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Amblyopia screening - early detection of visual defects in children

Amblyopia, also known as amblyopia, is one of the most common causes of vision impairment in children. It occurs when the brain does not properly process information from one eye, resulting in impaired vision in that eye. In most cases, amblyopia occurs in the early years of development, which means that it is well-treatable if detected early. Examination for amblyopia is crucial in order to recognize this visual impairment in time and to promote its development.

Why is it important to screen for amblyopia?

Undetected and untreated amblyopia can lead to lifelong vision problems. The time frame for successful treatment is limited: If amblyopia is left untreated until 6-8 years of age, the likelihood of full recovery of vision in the affected eye is greatly reduced. Therefore, it is important to screen as early as possible.

Screening examination for amblyopia

In our clinic, we offer an accurate screening examination for amblyopia to detect visual defects in children at an early stage. The examination includes

  • Visual acuity testing (visual acuity test) We test the visual acuity of both eyes to make sure the child can see equally well with both eyes. If there is a significant difference in visual acuity between the two eyes, it may be a sign of amblyopia.
  • Checking eye muscle function Checking eye movements and focusing shows if there are problems with the eyes working together that could be causing amblyopia.
  • Examining the structures of the eye We use a slit lamp and fundus examination to check the health of the eyes to make sure there are no physical problems affecting visual performance.

When does the compulsory health insurance cover an eye examination for amblyopia?
Within the framework of U examinations: If amblyopia is suspected during the U examination, the pediatrician will refer the child to an ophthalmologist. If the pediatrician performs an examination for amblyopia for further clarification, the costs are covered by the health insurance companies.
In case of complaints: If symptoms occur in older children, such as blurred vision or unequal visual acuity between the eyes, the health insurance will also cover the costs of the amblyopia examination.

Our IGEL service: amblyopia screening for children

If your child is unable to undergo the examination covered by the health insurance or would like a more extensive examination, we offer an amblyopia examination as part of our IGEL service. We use the latest diagnostic procedures to accurately test your child’s vision. Our experienced ophthalmologists will advise you and make individualized treatment recommendations if amblyopia is detected.

Keep your child’s vision health in check with regular amblyopia screenings. Make an appointment for an examination, and let’s work together to ensure that any visual defects are detected and treated early.

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