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Macular degeneration - early diagnosis and prevention

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is one of the most common causes of visual impairment in old age. It affects the macula, the central part of the retina, which is responsible for visual acuity. In the early stages of macular degeneration, symptoms are absent or very mild. Therefore, it is especially important to undergo regular examinations in order to recognize the disease at an early stage and take measures to slow its progression.

Why is it important to screen for macular degeneration?

The risk of developing macular degeneration increases with age. Early signs of macular degeneration may go largely unnoticed. Regular screening for macular degeneration allows the disease to be recognized at an early stage, which significantly improves treatment options. The earlier the disease is recognized, the greater the chance of slowing its progression and preserving vision.

Our examination for macular degeneration

At our clinic, we offer comprehensive macular degeneration screening that is performed using state-of-the-art technology. We use precise procedures to detect changes in the retina and macula in time to recommend individualized treatment.

Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) OCT allows high-resolution visualization of the macula and underlying layers of the retina. This study helps detect early signs of macular degeneration, such as fluid accumulation, which may indicate wet AMD.

Who should be screened regularly for macular degeneration?

  • From age 50: The likelihood of developing macular degeneration increases with age. Regular screening is recommended from the age of 50.
  • If there is a family history: If first-degree relatives (parents, siblings) have macular degeneration, the risk of developing the disease increases. Therefore, early screening is recommended.
  • Risk factors: smoking, obesity, high blood pressure, unhealthy diet and intensive sun exposure increase the risk of developing AMD. In such cases, regular checkups are also important.
  • If you experience visual disturbances: If you suddenly notice distortions in your central vision, such as straight lines appearing distorted or spots in the central visual field, you should be examined for macular degeneration immediately.

When does the health insurance cover a macular degeneration examination?

As a rule, the health insurance does not cover a macular degeneration examination as a routine examination. However, if certain symptoms are present, the examination may be covered if it is medically necessary.

Frequency of macular degeneration examinations

  • Ages 50 and older: it is recommended to have a regular screening every 2 years to recognize changes at an early stage.
  • If you have a family history or other risk factors: annual examinations are recommended to recognize the development of macular degeneration early.

Protect your vision with regular macular degeneration screenings. Make an appointment with us today and you can recognize and treat possible changes at an early stage.

Contact us today to schedule an appointment!

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